About the Fund

Publishing projects

Raising public awareness of the Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage and of the significance of the unique natural complexes recognized as the World Heritage is an important component of the fund's activity.

In 2002 the Fund, together with Greenpeace Russia, published an Informational Booklet "Russian Natural Heritage"  (reverse  ).

In 2006 the Fund has initiated and supported publication of the special issue of the Russian Conservation News. Special Issue  (cover  ), dedicated to the Russian Natural World Heritage sites, and the booklet "Natural World Heritage in Russia. 10 years of Russian-German Collaboration"  .

In 2007 the Fund published the Book of materials of the International conference "Natural World Heritage in Russia. 10 years of Russian-German cooperation" , and the Russian version of the World Heritage Information Kit  .

Since 2008, the Found has been conducting a publishing project dedicated to Russian natural sites included in the main and tentative World Heritage lists, as well as promising ones for inclusion. Within the framework of the project, the following popular science brochures were published: "Volga Delta - potential World Heritage site"   , "Virgin Komi Forests" - Russia's first Natural World Heritage Property"  , "Golden Mountains of Altai - World Heritage Property"  , "Volcanoes of Kamchatka – the World Heritage Property"  , "Lena Pillars Nature Park - Potential World Heritage Property"  , "Landscapes of Dauria - Potential Serial Transnational World Heritage Property "Bikin River Valley - Potential World Heritage Property"

The fund members have written a number of scientific and popular science articles on the Natural Heritage of Russia.