"Bikin River Valley" Tentative List Submission Format surrendered to The Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCOMinistry of Natural Resources and Ecology have been submitted the "Bikin River Valley" Tentative List Submission Format to the Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO for the purpose of its further submission to the World Heritage Centre. Due to the two protected areas located in the upper and middle stream of the Bikin River, it is in plan to extend already existing "Central Sikhote-Alin" World Heritage property. The natural complex "Bikin River Valley", more than 1 million hectares in total, includes a landscape reserve "Verhnebikinsky" and the territory of traditional land use of the indigenous people of the north of the Primorsky Kray. "Central Sikhote-Alin" property extension at the expense of the "Bikin River Valley" - an initiative of public organizations (WWF, Greenpeace Russia, the Association of Indigenous Peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East, the Natural Heritage Protection Fund) supported by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology and associated with the upcoming "tiger summit" which is to be held in Primorye in the autumn of this year. The "Bikin River Valley" - a key habitat of the Amur tiger and globally unique and exclusive preserved entire massif of Ussuri taiga - have been already nominated for World Heritage status within the "Central Sikhote-Alin" property and according to the decision of the 25th session of the World Heritage Committee (2001) met with the criterion x (contain the most important and significant natural habitats for in-situ conservation of biological diversity). In 2001 the inscription of the "Bikin River Valley" was deferred until disposing of some IUCN arguments concerning the management of protected areas in the Bikin River valley.